Ignite Digital Talent

The first 100 days. How to make (or break) a new hire.

Recruitment, pre-boarding, and onboarding are golden opportunities for businesses.  Making a good impression on candidates and new starters within these 3 phases is critical – but many organisations are getting it wrong.

Candidate numbers are rising, but despite this, skilled applicants are proving hard to find. And even when you’ve made job offers, research shows that not all verbal acceptances lead to long-term employment.

Gartner research from 2022, shows that 44% of candidates have accepted an offer but then decided not to start the position, while the Work Institute’s 2019 retention report highlights that 43% of new hires leave organisations within the first 90 days of starting.

The first 100 days are critical.

So how can businesses use the first 100 days to delight their applicants, candidates, and new starters?

Here are our thoughts on how to use the first 100 days to your advantage.

Job acceptance.  Day Zero.

The early period between job acceptance and start date is important.  At this time, new hires may still be receiving calls from recruiters, being enticed to attend other interviews or getting cold feet about leaving an established job. Counter offers are rife in the current market which only helps to encourage anxiety about starting afresh.

New employers should use this time to build engagement and establish trust.  Successful pre-boarding ensures new starters are committed to the company culture from the start.

Some ideas.

Day 1-7.  Early days.

Try to avoid giving too much information too early in the process. By not overwhelming your new hire, you’ll make sure that they feel confident this is a job they can do.

The early stages should revolve around establishing a support network, creating opportunities for learning and development, and building community and buy-in.

Make sure any non job specific training such as Health and Safety is completed during this time. This will leave your new recruit free to concentrate on their job role and responsibilities further down the line.

Some ideas.

Day 8 – 30.  The first milestone.

This period is a milestone and marks the first 30 days. This is where the onboarding can start to become more specific.

Learning and development have gone past surface level, and you can begin to become more direct regarding expectations, KPIs and metrics.

This is also a great period for organisations to review and assess their onboarding performance.   Questionnaires are a great way to review how your new hire is feeling. Teaming these with sit-down conversations will allow you to address any issues swiftly. Sorting out small, ongoing niggles prevents quick turnover of staff.

Recruiting and onboarding is a “sales period”, and organisations must follow through with all they promised in the early stages of the candidate journey.

Day 31 – 90.  Post honeymoon!

Employee disillusionment is common once the onboarding is over and the realities of the role kick in.

Gartner’s 2022 candidate survey highlighted that just 59% of candidates would repeat their decision to join their organisation.

To help stop early resignations, HR and line managers must create opportunities to talk to new hires in this period.

Some ideas.

Day 91 and beyond.

After 3 months most new starters will have completed their probation and had an early review. Many will have found their feet and will be taking control of their role.  Consequently, many employers feel that all onboarding is complete.

As the earlier statistics show, this is a mistake.  Organisations spend a lot of time and money on recruitment and onboarding.  To get the best ROI, employers should continue to support new hires to keep them invested, motivated, and determined to perform.

Some ideas.

The takeaways.

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