Ignite Digital Talent

Is your job right for you? 12 factors to look for in a job other than the salary.

Have you ever been asked, “what do you like about your job?”

Did you find it easy to answer?

When we think about why we do the jobs we do, the default response is often based on and around salary… “It’s ok….pays the bills”, you may answer.

Dig a little deeper though, and you will find there are many more factors that help us determine whether we like what we do, or that they are worthy of occupying most of our waking hours.

We have been forced to take a step back recently. For many of us, this has caused us to live a more minimal life. Minimalism gives us freedom and time. It reduces the amount of money we need to live and allows us freedom of choice.  We can choose work based on a wider variety of factors – not just the size of our income.

If you are looking for your next opportunity, why not think about these things in the job you do?

12 factors to consider when seeking your next opportunity.

The job makes a positive difference.

Why not look for a job that helps to add value to the world. Think about roles or organisations that genuinely help others.

You enjoy your colleagues.

Most of our waking hours are spent in the company of our colleagues, so it is important that you enjoy the people surrounding you.  Try to look for an organisation that is filled with people who will champion your success and support you on your worst days.

You feel appreciated and valued.

There are very few things more motivating than feeling appreciated and valued. Appreciation comes in many forms. Some companies give thankyous by way of bonuses or incentives. Some show their appreciation in the form of time…an extra days holiday, or a guaranteed birthday day off. Sometimes though, smaller gestures are enough, and a simple thank you for a job well done is more than enough. Make sure you are working for an organisation that values what you do and watch your job satisfaction soar.

You are trusted.

It is rewarding to be given a task and then trusted to do it without having someone looking over your shoulder. Having the freedom to do your job allows you to feel in control over your work and career.

The job is doing something you love.

“Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”.  The cliché is true. If you work solely for payday, you’ll lose your motivation pretty quickly. Your job needs to engage you by its very nature.

The job fits your personality.

We all have unique personalities and thrive in different environments. Some enjoy task-based work. Others like working outdoors. Some, with others and some prefer alone working with only the cat for company. You need to find the role that suits your personality and working style.

The job challenges you to grow.

Your job should help you to grow professionally. It should allow you challenging assignments or learning opportunities.  Perhaps your boss demands excellence or your organisation assigns informal mentorships.  Choosing a job that goes beyond your current skills and forces you to learn will make you a happier employee.

The company values align with yours.

At the end of every day, you have yourself to answer to. Your integrity matters. If you feel like you are compromising it every time you sit at your desk, you will begin to resent your job, the work you do, and yourself.  Your job should not cause you to sacrifice your personal convictions. In the beginning, a hefty paycheck may help numb the nagging feeling in your gut, but that won’t last for long.

The job is flexible and has a results-oriented culture.

A flexible approach to working suggests a results-driven focus; more interested in you completing the tasks with excellence than clocking in a certain amount of hours each day.

Your employer values your family.

Your job should recognise that your family time is your priority. Is it easy for you to take a morning off for your child’s nativity, or can you attend a graduation, no problem? These things are important to you, and your employer should recognise this.

Your job brings balance.

Going to work is fine when you love it, but does your job allow you to explore your other passions. If the demands of work regularly force you to miss your mid-week spin class, or stop you from enjoying time with your friends or family, you will start to suffer. You should find a job that allows you to enjoy your life outside of work too.

Your job brings you satisfaction.

Can you look back at your day, week, or even year at work and know you have achieved something? That feeling of satisfaction is more valuable than the number on your bank statement.

Are you looking for your next tech, digital, or data role? Perhaps we can help. Our clients are progressive, inclusive organisations that recognise, value, and support their teams. Perhaps your next opportunity is just an application away. Reach out today or head over to our job pages to browse our open vacancies.